ASSN 5K Run/Walk
Date is Sunday December 8th, 2024 - 9:30am-12:15pm
RACE WEBSITE (for runner only)
Race information and all the details of the event including sign up forms can be found by clicking here.
WALKER INFORMATION (for walkers with sponsors)
In order to participate as a walker you are required to find people to sponsor you. There is a minimum $25 amount per sponsor. A link to download the sponsor form is below. Once you download your form your ready to share that your walking with your friends and family. Start by sharing your on Facebook, sending it via email to your contacts and or tweeting it out to the world!
1 Ozzie Nelson Drive
Ridgefield Park, NJ US 07660
USATF Certified and Sanctioned
Timing and Scoring by Rock Race Timing
Multiple Water Stops
Ridgefield Park High School (parking will be limited)
1 Ozzie Nelson Drive
Morningside Lane parking lot at bottom of the hill
Plenty of parking on any side streets excluding Overpeck Ave.